The Cost of Paradise Part 1: Aretha. Gentrification, Renters Bill of Rights & more.

Part 1; Beginning of a Press Monkey Series by Dustin Micheli about Luxury gentrification in the lap of deluxe estate economies and in America.

Segments covering the recent passing of music Icon and civic activist Aretha Franklin. A frank discussion about rent control, price gouging and the artificially high real estate market and how we might go about challenging it all by the formation of mass movements.

Price of Paradise-Glenwood Post Independent

The Evolutionary Necessity of Free Speech.

The original draft of this was published to Press Monkey Medias Facebook page then again on our site in August of 2017. The final draft was published to in June 2018 beginning the launch of that platform. I felt considering recent events it merited republication.

The Evolutionary Necessity of Free Speech.
by Dustin Micheli Editor and Chief of Press Monkey Media

Our right to speak out is probably our most sacrosanct right. Not just granted to us via our respective constitutions and charters , but codified by our willingness to exercise, assert and continuously fight for that right. Only by refusing to be silenced can we “enforce” our legal right to free speech.

By asserting the right to speak our truth to power, demanding accountability and transparency, challenging cultural and conventional wisdoms, we can grow, evolve and adapt to the changing political and environmental tides that are washing up on our shore and flooding our lives.

The parameters of freedom of expression extend endlessly and necessarily will encompass the peripheral and profane, as well as the most malicious and puerile intentions.

Only through this spectrum of expression , discussion, self discovery, examination and analysis can we get gradually closer to finding the truth of ourselves, and understand the complexity and preciousness of our existence- ultimately, that we are a free expression of our evolution on this earth and our place in the universe.

We still have much to say about how that story will be written. Whether or not we get closer to the truth of ourselves might be dependent upon the spectrum of perspectives we can consider or tolerate.

We cannot possibly get closer to the right answers if we cannot bear to entertain or acknowledge the wrong ones. Our potential for becoming gradually less wrong increases with every wrong answer we discover and allow to be expressed.

Keep on swinging.
Peace, Truth, Activism and Bananas.
Dustin Micheli

European Protests

by contributor Russell Meyers
Okay, for those thinking the European protests against Trump are merely against Trump, you’re wrong. It is against the US.

Trump said Russia is not a threat, they are a competitor. On that he is correct.
Then he pushes NATO to spend more money on weapons to defend against Russia militarily.
This is not lost on Europeans. Only on Americans.

In Europe, they have been facing rising problems with increased crime and major stresses on housing, employment, healthcare systems. All of their social support programs and worker rights. Many in the US want to claim this is an illustration of the failure of Socialist models. No, it is not.

Their systems are under strain because of the influx of immigrants and refugees from the Middle East. That influx began after US “humanitarian interventions” which destroyed homes, communities, and gave rise to widespread terrorist activity in their home countries. Those people did not want to leave their countries or they would have done so long ago. Now there are open slave markets in Libya, where there was no military conflict happening on any large scale before the US stepped in.. and then abandoned Libya.

The fact is, the receiving countries systems were not scaled to handle this level of need. In many European countries, they already had relatively minor stresses in the same social areas to begin with. Now those same systems are under severe strain.

Meanwhile, they are dealing with the threats of economic sanctions because of the US. Those sanctions cause more economic stress and job losses. Let’s say you own a business and you trade with another business which accounts for a significant portion of your revenue. Then the government steps in and says you can no longer trade with your partner business. What happens to YOUR business? That’s how sanctions work. Find another partner? Who says the government will not do the same thing again? Or impose tariffs which affect that arrangement and reduce your business again? Europe has been dealing with the effects of US sanctions for years. Sanctions against Russia, NK, Venezuela. Now threatening against China. Each sanction destroys jobs and possibly entire industries in not just the sanctioned country but the partner country.

So, while these countries are seeing major real stresses on their way of life, real dangers coming from eroding access to housing, food, healthcare, etc, they see their governments agreeing to spend more on weapons and “defense” against an imaginary threat. They see the US trying to block Europe from buying oil and gas from Russia with the goal of selling them US oil/gas at higher prices. Which they can less afford because of the sanctions and tariffs mentioned above.

Where crime is concerned, we have many examples of how destroying economies and increasing stresses on existing infrastructure leads to increased crime. In the US, look back at the urban decay of the 70’s. Look at Detroit. Did they have massive drug and violence problems when they were the center of the US auto industry? Take away jobs or even keep the number of jobs static, flood the area with more people, what happens? Unemployment increases. Food becomes more scarce, prices increase. Rent increases, home become unaffordable. People become stressed and hopeless, drug and alcohol use rises. With Detroit and urban areas here, there was a mass exodus from those places. Where are Europeans going to go?

People attend ‘Helsinki Calling’ protest ahead of meeting between the U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland July 15, 2018. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger

Yes, many Europeans hate Trump. They also hated Reagan and Bush Sr and Clinton and GWB. They supported Obama’s rhetoric but fully realized the refugee crisis was the result of his foreign policy. Do you recall the protests at major economic summits? No, then you were watching MSM who barely mentioned it, if at all. They are protesting Trump because he is there. Because he is in office NOW. That’s ALL. Many of those people protesting Trump actually protest against the government leaders who are US puppets and holding their own countries back.
One of the most interesting points to mention is this. While NATO seems to agree to increase defense spending, that does not in any way obligate them to spend that money with the US. They can buy from anyone. Brazil, India, China. Yes, they can buy from Russia, as NATO member Turkey is doing. What effect does that have on international relations? It brings Russia and Europe closer together, reducing the need for weapons.

THAT could truly be the best outcome from all of this rhetoric. For all of them to decide the weapons are no longer necessary at all.

Prime 8 Report Top Stories. 6/22/18

It is our mission here at Press Monkey Media, to not only give you great editorials and analysis, but also to help you find the best , most important stories and articles you might have missed.

In an effort to give a broader range of topic and news discussion we have changed our new format to include the Prime 8 Report as  a regular report, that will link you the activist and reader, to some of the most important news,  discussion and analysis today.

  1. United States Pulls Out of U.N.  Human Rights Council                                             

The Trump administration has announced that the United States is withdrawing from the United Nations Human Rights Council. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley announced the decision in a joint statement Tuesday. More in this NPR Report

In Related News Lee Camp pens an article on why you shouldn’t care so much about that.  Titled: If You Care About Human Rights, You Shouldn’t Care That Trump Pulled Out Of The Human Rights Council Linked Here.

2. (Speaking Of Lee Camp) Redacted Tonight Celebrates its 200th episode. Watch here.  

3. President Trump signs executive order to end child separations from their migrant families,

The order aims to end the separation of most migrant families by detaining them together while they await their court dates in criminal and immigration court. According to this report filed by NPR linked here. 

Additionally: In an effort to try an better understand this situation and its broader scope , we have included some other articles to help round out this story for you.

The Truth about Separating Kids ~ National Review.  

Desperate Asylum-Seekers Are Being Turned Away by U.S. Border Agents Claiming There’s “No Room” ~ The Intercept

The Border Patrol Was Monstrous Under Obama. Imagine How Bad It Is Under Trump ~ ACLU


4. Canada votes to legalize recreational cannabis, lifting 95yo ban~  learn more in this report filed by RT 


Justice Department IG testifies: Michael Horowitz is expected to detail his report on the FBI’s conduct during the 2016 ~ NPR

6. Chris Hedges article in Truth Dig  “Et Tu, Bernie?”

7. “The Trump experience has plunged corporate ideology and war rationales into disarray.”  according to this report by Glen Ford and The Black Agenda Report. “Chaos in the Imperial Big House” 

8. Wikileaks publishes data set to archive of ICE employees with LinkedIn accounts. 

This, less than a week after a vigil was held worldwide on behalf of Wikileaks founder. Julian Assange who is a political refugee , being given political asylum and citizenship by the Ecuadorian government has been housed in the London based Ecuadorian embassy for almost 7 years now.

SEP rally to free Julian Assange, Sydney, 17 June 2018

Free Assange! Demand his return to Australia!#freeAssange#Wikileaks#auspol

Posted by Socialist Equality Party Australia on Saturday, June 16, 2018

Stay informed

Truth ,Activism and Bananas.

Dustin Micheli.